Virtual Booth
Our Virtual Booth allows your guest to take Photobooth style content using any device from wherever they are.
Virtual booth features
Customized URL
Instant Online Gallery
Customized Photo Template Overlays
Still Photos, Gifs & Boomerangs
Send content via text or email
Custom Stickers
Options to have competitions and surveys
Options to have avatars and allow guests to create avatars of themselves to be placed in other pictures
Hybrid booth events
A Hybrid Event is when you get both our Digital Booth and Virtual Booth. This is perfect for events or weddings with lots of guests who can’t make it. Guests who aren’t able to attend will have access to the same exact content that’s on your photobooth at your event or wedding. They’ll be able take pictures, gifs & boomerangs and upload them to the same gallery as the one that’s physically at your event.
We also have an optional feature where guests can create avatars of themselves and add other friends digitally and instantly to their photobooth pictures.